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فيلم المنسيون 2010 film Al manssion


فيلم المنسيون 2010 film Al manssion Un film Marocain décrit pornographique fait la polémique en Algérie
film Al manssion de houssine benjelloun

This film of Al manssion whip Benjelloun that addresses the issue of sexual exploitation of women around the world and has been programmed during the Festival International du Film d'Oran ...
Some viewers say that it is wrong that the inclusion of this film, "pornography" in Oran, and someone said, who was accompanied by his small son: - "I was surprised by hot scenes, affecting the dignity of the Algerian family in general and that we require to not let my children watch them. "
However the director whip Benjelloun defends his film by saying the following videos: "I'm not here to spread the nudity, but I have to break taboos. "

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